Thursday, October 6, 2016

Matthew Leave Me Alone!

Short Post.

I missed yesterday because my internet was dead for most of the day due to wind. I haven't been able to try the saddle yet, because impending hurricane. Dontcha Know? Once the storm is through (hopefully Sunday) I will be trying out this dang saddle. I am also going to order a new hackamore and bridle if it fits, so I can begin that training soon. I have so many things I want to do and get that I am spinning in circles right now. I need a list and a plan.
I think he's a purple kinda guy.
Anyone who is in range of the hurricane or weather from it be safe! Also fill up all buckets and troughs with water and maybe a trash can or two if you can. If your electricity craps out then you will be glad you did. Remember water for yourself to. 1 Gallon per person per day. I also buy bags of ice and toss them in my chest freezer so my food will be safer a little longer. You will never be upset that you were too prepared. 

Tuesday, October 4, 2016

It's Here!!!!!

It's been a mess and I almost didn't manage to write today. Good news!!! The saddle is here. I opened the box, held it up, and determined that it was in fact a saddle. I will be trying it on Rev tomorrow weather permitting.

The meeting last night went well. I timed all feeding and naps accordingly and it wasn't a meltdown like I thought it would be. I was prepared to leave immediately if necessary. I may be paying for that today though.

Better post tomorrow. Hopefully...

Monday, October 3, 2016

Renewing Membership and a New Membership

I am making an effort to do more horse related activities. I always decline or find a way out of socializing. I am doing the Write 31 Days Challenge just to make myself be 'out there'. Quite honestly I would rather be journaling these entries away safely for me alone. I am very introverted. I won't usually talk in a crowd. I just keep to myself and listen to everyone else. Once I know someone I will talk your head off though. I am attending a Horsemanship Club meeting this evening in an effort to get out there and *do* more horse stuff. They are going to be having little shows, clinic, trail rides, and maybe an endurance-y type ride or clinic. So I am pretty excited.

Daddy and Daughter. They are pretty hilarious together. They chase each other up and down the fence and "bite" one another all day.

Sunday, October 2, 2016

New Saddle on The Way!!!

So I have finally ordered a saddle for a 21 day trial. I didn't want to spend a fortune on it. I know that as Rev gets fit his shape will change and I will probably need another saddle. With that in mind I purchased an Abetta Endurance saddle Wide, Full Quarter Horse Bars, and a 3/4 rigging. Hopefully it be wide enough in the shoulders and flat enough to fit Rev. I'm also pretty excited about the 3/4 rigging. I intend to convert the rigging from a western cinch to work with a dressage girth if the saddle fits. I will also most likely change the western fenders out with some leathers. This saddle comes with the big 4" endurance stirrups to so I can give them a try. If I like them I can order better ones with cages and keep the originals for spares. ZOMG!!! I have to practice restraint. I want to buy All The Things!

Saturday, October 1, 2016

Write 31 Days Challenge. Challenge Accepted.

I am going to attempt the Write 31 Days Challenge for October. I am hoping that it will help kick off this blogging habit I am trying to get going. I struggle to write about things that I think a reader would perceive to be inane. The thing is though I started this blog as a journal for me. Really to keep up with what's going on with my horse and maybe a little 'life' crap too. So I am going to do that for 31 days. Then I should keep it up after that. 

Thursday, September 22, 2016

Some People... Well They're Morons.

You know until I moved here I had no idea. The other day we had some people come trim trees. I let them know if they need to go into Field A that the bull is in there and don't let him out. He's a youngun' and isn't interested in people except those with food. Plus the cattle dog was in with them and she won't let him near you unless you that'll do/down/stay her. I then said if you need to go into Field B(Rev's field) to let me know and I will get him out of there so you can go in. I'm then informed that one of the guys was raised with horses, isn't scared of them etc. and I don't need to worry. I respond with well that's nice but let me know so I can get him out of there. It was just this huge back and forth about a bunch of crap until I got mad and told them to stay out of his fucking field. It was a real mess. People don't understand liability until something happens and Mr. Ain't Skeered the redneck is suing you for getting him's wittle fingers bit off. Field C contains Mare, Filly, and Heifers and there was no need to go in there.

Saturday, September 17, 2016

International Helmet Awareness Day!!!

Today is International Helmet Awareness Day! A few online horse stuff sites have 20% off of helmets and free shipping. So today is the day to get a new brain bucket. I got a carbon gray Tipperary Sportage 8500. 

Wednesday, September 7, 2016

Two Days At A Time!

Success! Yesterday and today I worked Rev on the lunge again. Both days he wore a surcingle and I plan to incorporate side reins soon. I don't want to use them tight or to get a frame really. They will be more to give him something new to think about until we can do less boring crap. 

Endurance horse in the making(trying to snatch grass while lunging). For the record I had a baby four weeks ago so overlook my fluffiness. Thank you for your cooperation in this matter.

Tuesday, September 6, 2016

One Day At A Time

Well yesterday Rev did a little work. It was only lunging and will be until I find a saddle that fits. Which needs to be soon. He and I are both fat and out of shape but we will get there. He is so eager to work and I am so thankful for that. It's really nice to walk towards his gate with nothing but a halter and he screams at me, hauls ass across the field, and is just generally excited to get attention.

Saturday, September 3, 2016

I Fell Off The Face Of The Earth. Obviously.

Well here I am to try again. Basically I can eat crow on the whole being pregnant and doing stuff and blogging about it. I did plenty and then didn't have the energy left to blog. I could get the basics done and then die super hard every night and from 3-4:30pm. Naps became mandatory.

Friday, March 4, 2016

My Radio Silence Excuse

Well first of all, we have been working but sporadically. Had some issues in the farming part of my life and now that they are situated I should be back to more horse stuff. Also the biggest update is that my husband and I are very excited to be welcoming our new farmhand! Due in August. Even though we are excited I have been a smidge tired. So sometimes by the time I get done bucking hay, moving round rolls, feeding cows, horses, chickens, bunny, dogs, cats, the turtle, and working/riding Rev blogging is usually last on the list. I plan to remedy that. I want a record of what's been happening and something I can look back on (besides my handwritten notes) and see patterns. Also I really have benefited from the endurance blogs that I have read and hope to be yet another resource for aspiring endurance riders.
Do you see his Brand? Yeah me neither... When he sheds out we will see.

Wednesday, February 17, 2016

Been Workin'

We have been working weather permitting. The thrush is almost completely resolved (actually it rained and was generally crappy for the last week so we will see where that leaves us). I trimmed Rev a week ago and things are looking really good. That toe is coming back and  I'm getting those heels in order. He's been moving great. One of the big things I've noticed since the last trim is he seems to be standing very square. When he's doing the standing around portion of his day he is pertectly square. So I guess that's probably good...
Ignore belly bulge. He's working on it but still a little sensitive about it.

Tuesday, January 12, 2016

Thrush and Hoof Pics!

Edit: I think the comment issue is probably fixed. Hopefully.  -_-

Thrush. Screw Thrush... Most horses have thrush even if you don't know. If the frogs aren't glorious. If the heels aren't epic. Basically if you or your farrier is competent and your horses feet aren't amazing(barring like navicuar, laminitis[Probably extra thrush in that case], or other serious hoof malfunctions) you probably have some level of thrush. No matter how minute the infection, it's still there lurking. In the alleys. With the candy and the van. It's there. It's waiting.  I have been in a losing battle with this predator thrush for longer than I care to admit.

My Apologies

I was unaware that I was participating in internet share cropping. Thanks Google Plus. So basically I am trying to figure out how to extract myself from this mess without losing my blog, pictures, email, and everything else. I retracted the last hoof post because I wanted to get comments fixed first. We did test and it will allow anonymous comments but is fighting anything else. 

Monday, January 11, 2016

Catch Up!

 So I need to do a little catch up I suppose. No there aren't pictures. I was mostly concerned with not dying... No seriously I am horrible about photo documenting anything. I have plans to take some pics tomorrow. Now for the happenings of the last few days. I would also like to point out that it has apparently been over a year and a half since I've had a saddle on Rev according to The Husband and he is right...

Tuesday, January 5, 2016

So They Say...

They say what you are doing on New Year's is what you will do for the rest of the year. Uh oh... You see I had big plans. The Husband and I were both going to ride on New Year's. We both wanted to start off right and we both want to ride more this year. The weather disagreed. It was cold and raining sideways and all the horses were interested in was warm mash, blankets, and dry hay. I couldn't deny them that and to take off blankets and let them get wet would have been quite miserable for them. The way our weather works here is a recipe for colic anyhow and I just don't think there is a need for me to add to the temperature fluctuations.

Saturday, January 2, 2016

Helmets to wear or not to wear? What a question...

I will admit that maybe I haven't been super diligent at helmet wearing. Maybe I haven't worn one in years. I won't say. The truth of the matter is I've had quite a few rough falls in my life and was never scared into wearing a helmet. It's not even for my hairdo. I usually wear a hat. I just find them irritating. They are hot. They are sweaty. They fit my head weird or more likely I just have a weird head. I just don't like them. I own one but I've only worn it in a few English shows on client horses and never at any western event.